Climate & Nature Designation (CCB.D) and Certification - Program Demo
Get a quick glimpse of what to expect when you join our program.
How it works

1. Create your free account
To get started, simply create your free account by providing your basic details. This will give you instant access to our platform, where you can begin the program demo.
2. Access the program demo
Once your account is set up, you can immediately start exploring the demo to see how everything works. If now isn’t a convenient time, don’t worry—we’ll send you an email with a link to access the demo anytime that suits you.

3. Complete program demo and submit an application
Once you have gone through the program demo, you will be given the opportunity to submit an application for the October cohort of the Climate and Nature Designation (CCB.D) and Certification program.
Welcome, which course are you interested in:
Primarily discuss the topics through the lens of serving on the board. You must be serving on at least one board with fiduciary responsibility to enter this stream.
Discuss the topics through a wide range of business perspectives (including the board) and comprise senior executives, investors, and board advisors.