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Bertrand Millot

Head of Sustainability, CDPQ; Board Member, Ceres, Inc.

Bertrand Millot has a double mandate: 

  • He is business unit risk manager for the Fixed Income and Financing  Solutions portfolios at CDPQ and supports the risk management team of  CDPQ’s real estate lending arm Otéra Capital.
  • He also leads the climate change group, responsible for the designing  and implementation of CDPQ’s policies in this regard, for the appraisal and mitigation of climate risks in CDPQ’s portfolio and leads external  collaborative initiatives on climate issues. He closely supports the  Stewardship Investing Team in its activities.

Mr. Millot is one of the architects of CDPQ’s climate change strategy and a  seasoned investor in infrastructure and emerging markets companies, fields  where ESG considerations have historically been at the forefront. 

At CDPQ since 2015, he recently led the Stewardship Investing team,  reaffirming the organization’s leadership in this area on the world stage.  Previously, as Vice-President in risk management he was responsible for  identifying cross-sectoral risk and was business unit risk manager for the  Infrastructure portfolio.

Before joining CDPQ, Mr. Millot was CEO and CIO at Cordiant Capital, an  emerging market corporate debt fund manager. Earlier in his career, he was  active in infrastructure project finance with the European Bank for  Reconstruction and Development in London, U.K. and with BNP Paribas in  Paris, France. 

Mr Millot is a member of the Council (Board) of the Sustainable Infrastructure  Foundation ( 

Mr. Millot holds an MBA from McGill University, a MSc in Engineering from  École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers and is a member of the Institute  of Corporate Directors (ICD.D designation).

Bertrand Millot

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