Competent Boards Webinar
Navigating Uncertainty: Scenario Planning, Integrated Thinking and Data Analytics
Effective scenario planning and systems thinking enabled by data science and data analytics are crucial for boards and senior leadership teams to navigate uncertainties and sustain long-term success. The IFRS S2 and ESRS E1 standards, TCFD and SEC climate guidance emphasize the importance and in fact require the use of scenario analysis, particularly in assessing climate resilience and identifying climate-related risks and opportunities.
This webinar provides an invaluable opportunity for board members and senior leaders to understand and implement these practices, ensuring compliance and enhancing strategic decision-making for long term value creation.
Welcome, which course are you interested in:
Primarily discuss the topics through the lens of serving on the board. You must be serving on at least one board with fiduciary responsibility to enter this stream.
Discuss the topics through a wide range of business perspectives (including the board) and comprise senior executives, investors, and board advisors.