Join Helle Bank Jorgensen, Founder and CEO of Competent Boards, as she hosts an exclusive interview with Jingdong Hua, Vice-Chair of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), to explore pivotal developments in the global sustainability landscape.

In this insightful conversation, Jingdong Hua delves into the newly adopted ISSB sustainability reporting standards, offering practical advice on how corporate boards can effectively navigate the complexities of sustainability disclosure and standards. He emphasizes the importance of ensuring the reliability and assurance of sustainability reporting, positioning it as an essential early warning system for businesses. The discussion also sheds light on the support and capacity-building resources available to help companies seamlessly adopt the new standards.

This forward-looking vision of a globally harmonized sustainability disclosure landscape makes it a must-watch for board members and executives committed to leading their organizations into a sustainable future.

Ready to navigate the new regulatory landscape? As discussed by ISSB Vide-Chair, Jingdong Hua, staying ahead requires more than just awareness — it requires action. The Competent Boards Global Sustainability & ESG Designation (GCB.D) and Certification Program is specifically tailored to prepare current and aspiring board members for these complex challenges, offering the expertise needed to excel in today’s governance environment. The next cohort starts in September. Here’s a quick program snapshot. To learn more and apply, click here.

Sustainability and ESG Designation and Certification Program Snapshot Posters

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