ESG Module: Learning the Impacts of Climate Change and a Board’s Accountability





Take a closer look at how climate change impacts the environment, oceans, biodiversity and health, as well as the global economic and socio-economic outlook.


In this module, you will:

Learn how climate change affects businesses, supply chains, customers, employees and communities and societies at-large

Assess short-, medium- and long-term transitional, regulatory, insurance and political risks

Discover how to seize opportunities within renewable energy, carbon markets and a just transition

Discuss the concept of net zero and using science-based goals around emissions, such as Scope 1, 2, 3 and 4 commitments, actions and reporting

Examine the growing expectations for asset managers, proxy advisors and investors around initiatives such as Climate Action 100+ and the UN Principles for Responsible Investment

Learn how companies, investors, insurance companies and regulators are responding to growing demands for climate action

Understand scenario analysis and disclosure expectations, as well as adaptation, mitigation, and transition strategies

Learn about the relevant regulatory bodies and non-regulatory bodies: SEC (US), European Union, Asia, International Sustainability Standards Board, Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

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