ESG Module: Creating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Wellness in the Boardroom and Beyond





Learn how to foster a pipeline of diverse talent into and through your company, understanding the full spectrum and business value of diversity, as well as the regulations around it.


In this module, you will:

Define the expectations from investors, proxy advisors and society to encourage diversity in the workplace

Learn how to proactively address employee misconduct and workplace culture issues

Understand the business case for diversity, including how to manage complex issues and identify opportunities for innovation in team diversification or new tools

Learn how to achieve diversity of thought

Identify the many forms of diversity — including culture, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender, disability, socioeconomic background and lived experiences — and the value they bring

Address the power of data, the barriers to progress and best practices for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace

Understand the importance of mental health and wellness at work

Examine the relevant laws and regulations for DEI in a business, looking at board composition, oversight, accountability, board structure and the role of the board nomination committee

Gain a Competent Boards Micro-Credential!

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