A number of new global sustainability regulations take effect in 2025. Get prepared! Now is a critical time to earn a globally recognized credential in time for proxy season.
For a very limited time with the code GETREADY2025, save 60% on all Competent Boards on-demand programs and gain the insight and foresight recruiters, nomination committees, and investors are seeking.
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and credentials by obtaining a sustainability governance certification - critical for today’s business landscape.

Learn to navigate the increasingly complex business landscape of corporate Sustainability & ESG governance.
Special Offer Has Ended
USD $3,595 USD $1438

Learn about the risks & opportunities business will face. Find out how you and your company can become future-fit.
Special Offer Has Ended
USD $1,895 USD $758

An in-depth exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), covering its strategic impact on businesses, ethical considerations, and future-readiness.
Special Offer Ends Oct 20
USD $495 USD $198

Need to know about a specific topic area? We’ve broken down our certificate programs into individual modules. Dive into our selection of micro-credentials!
Special Offer Ends Oct 20
USD $395 USD $158

A short global certificate course uniquely designed to introduce the critical concepts of sustainability and ESG for effective governance and decision making.
Special Offer Ends Oct 20
USD $1250 USD $500
Access to program content is available until December 31, start now and earn your credential by the end of the year!

“Through practical examples and real-life experiences, these programs will help any leader who wants to keep up with new environmental, ethical, financial and societal demands.”
Claudia Sender
Non-Executive Director, Telefonica, Embraer, Holcim and Gerdau

“I think this program is more relevant than ever, and I would highly recommend it. I feel better equipped to oversee ESG and sustainability issues in my board rooms…”
Leslie F. Seidman (GCB.D)
Former Chair, Financial Accounting Standards Board (Fasb), Non-Executive Director and Audit Chair, Moody’s Corp. & General Electric

“This was a great course. I commend it to any executive seeking a deep dive into contemporary issues and the latest thinking on how to address them.”
Tinuade Awe (GCB.D)
CEO, Nigeria Exchange Group

“There are a lot of development programs out there. This one is very, very, unique. You gain from talking to people that come from different walks of life, different companies and different situations, which prepares you to be a better board member.”
Charles O. Holliday Jr.
Chair, The Mission Possible Partnership; Former Chair, Royal Dutch Shell and Bank of America
Welcome, which course are you interested in:
Primarily discuss the topics through the lens of serving on the board. You must be serving on at least one board with fiduciary responsibility to enter this stream.
Discuss the topics through a wide range of business perspectives (including the board) and comprise senior executives, investors, and board advisors.